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From the beginning we will help you manage the shipment of products to the US.
We calculate the most efficient supply chain depending on the customers we target. Entry could be at several ports on the East Coast (New Jersey, Norfolk/Baltimore, Savannah, Miami) or further South (Houston), North (Chicago by barge) or even on the West coast (product form China)!
In the beginning you can be set up as a foreign importer of record and a customs broker we work with will prepare paperwork to facilitate shipments! Next, we check import tariffs and regulations (i.e., permits needed) to make sure product can enter the US.
You can use your own logistics provider to arrange containers, or we can suggest one of our partners in Europe. We warehouse the product and manage shipments by LTL (less than truck load). Manage inventory levels and do annual cycle counts.
We also arrange product introduction and set up with our e-commerce partner for pick & pack services.
Do you have questions or concerns about the US? Contact us for a no-obligation brainstorming session!